
November 5, 2020

Earth Hour Microsite Design Brief

I think this Earth Hour brief is one of my favorite designs so far!


For the brief, I broke the microsite up into four sections (hero, mission, participate, stay updated). I started with the hero section (of course!), and selected a few images from Pixabay I could potentially use. I played around with the images and settled on a few.

Choosing a font was a bit of a mess, as usual, but when I stumbled upon Turret Road, I fell in love with it right away. I loved the “spacey” feel it gave to the words “Earth Hour”.

After I mostly finished up the hero, I started working on the other sections of the microsite. The layout and spacing of the design came to me easily this time, surprisingly, but going beyond the title and subtitle in each section was difficult.

Stay Updated

For the microsite sections, I worked backwards (bottom-up) instead of top-down. The Stay Updated section was the easiest; I added a small “Subscribe” form.


For the Participate section, I decided to create a small “ticket” for the Earth Hour event.


Later on, after I finished the other sections and was trying to find a place for social share buttons on the microsite, I decided to put them with this ticket. The ticket would be a cool way for site visitors to spread the word about Earth Hour with their family and friends!


The words from the Our Mission section are mostly copy-and-pasted from the main Earth Hour sites. I had a hard time finding a good layout for this section, so I ended up going with a different design for Our Mission, in contrast to the other two sections.