
December 9, 2020

Learn it Myself: Creative Writing 101

I would like to practice my creative writing skills in the upcoming weeks. Participating in NaNoWriMo last month has made me aware that I need to improve my writing, and I am excited to start out by writing short scenes!

Section Information

Instructor: Catherine Chen

Class Duration: 12/13 – 1/1

Class Meeting Times: Mon/Wed 7:00-8:15 AM

Class Goal

Explore the world of creative writing by penning six short fiction scenes.

Class Overview

You will have only one type of assignments for this class:

  • Scenes Two due every Friday. Each week, you will be required to write two scenes, each a minimum of 200 words.

No late work will be accepted.


Each scene you write will be based on something:

  • Week 1 — a photograph
  • Week 2 — a word
  • Week 3 — an object in your house