
January 1, 2021

Weekly Inspiration #17 & #18

All good things must come to an end. This week is the last of winter break; next Monday, intersession classes begin.


This week I received around 3 letters I wrote to myself last year! It was both funny and humbling to see how much I’ve changed since then. Reading the letters also made me anticipate this upcoming year. What amazing things will happen? How will I change?

Some people might say it’s cliche, but I do believe every year is better than the last.


Pinguni has been giving me a ton of trouble these past two weeks. Last week, I had trouble getting it anywhere, and the week before that, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what bug was causing unsuccessful deployments (still unsolved ToT).


It’s difficult to stay motivated when everything seems to be going wrong. I’m trying to implement an easier-to-use and more intuitive block editor on the site, but it seems like I’ll have to code my own. I’m always up for a challenge, but it’s still frustrating.

Zoom Alternatives

Almost everyone is tired of Zoom. Last week, I had the chance to look up some alternatives. I can’t say whether or not they will work better for a specific situation, but they certainly do liven up online meetings.

  • Toucan
  • Wonder
  • Spatial Chat
  • Teeoh

Other Things

  • the Digital Secret Snowman exchange was amazing!
  • I think I’m going to apply to Make School
  • I’m kind of frustrated with trying to plan out goals for next year on, like, 10 different project management apps, so I’m going to create my own (I think)


My Week(s) in Ten Words: Relaxing. Tiring. Development and design. Impatient. Trying to be patient.

December 20, 2020 – January 1, 2021