
October 22, 2020

Learn it Myself: Web Dev Projects 101

Personal Note

Here’s another LIM I’ve designed for myself! It will begin next Sunday (10/25).


I need to build more and better projects for my almost non-existent portfolio.

Section Information

Instructor: Catherine Chen

Class Duration: 10/25 – 12/4

Class Meeting Times: Sun/Fri 9:00AM – 11:00AM

Class Goal

The goal of this class is simple and straightforward: to create three portfolio-worthy projects based on your skills in web development.

Class Overview

You will have two types of assignments for this class:

  • Project OverviewDue every other Sunday, starting from the first day. For each project, you are required to give a brief description of what project you would like to create, based on the project requirements. List which requirements you cover.
  • Project Due every other Friday, starting from the second Friday. Based on the overview you gave on Sunday, work on bringing your ideas to life. You can, of course, always tweak and change your original project idea.
  • Mockups Due every other Friday, starting from the second Friday. After you finish your project, create mockups to showcase your work. This should take you no longer than half an hour — use templates.

No late work will be accepted.

Project 1

Project Requirements

  • Make something useful.
  • Use JavaScript as your main language.
  • Use at least one REST API.
  • In either Project 1 or 2, implement some form of user authentication.
  • In either Project 1 or 2, use a database and implement CRUD operations.

Project 2

Project Requirements

  • Make something useful.
  • Use PHP as your main language.
  • In either Project 1 or 2, implement some form of user authentication.
  • In either Project 1 or 2, use a database and implement CRUD operations.

Project 3

Project Requirements

Inspiration for Web Developers