
May 6, 2024

How to create a blog for free

There's a lot that goes into starting a blog, and figuring out how to set up your own blog website is just one of them.

There are a ton of free blogging platforms available for you to choose from.  In this post, I'll go over:

  • Three of the most popular choices for customizable blog websites
  • Options for content-focused bloggers, who may not want or need a full website — but still want their articles out there
  • Additional options just for developers 👩‍💻

"I want my own blogging website": Wix, Weebly, and WordPress

Wix, Weebly, and WordPress are three of the most well-known free blogging platforms.  They're super quick to set up and easy to use, perfect for both new and old bloggers.  Here's a breakdown of each of them:

Wix: easiest design-friendly option

Pros: Wix offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor with tons of beautiful, pre-designed templates. It's perfect for beginners who want a visually appealing website without needing to code. Wix also offers a wider range of built-in features compared to Weebly and the free version of


  • Wix blogs are less customizable than WordPress blogs. You're limited to using Wix's app market for adding functionality.
  • Free Wix blogs display Wix branding. You can't remove these ads unless you upgrade to a paid plan.


Pros: Weebly offers a very easy-to-use interface similar to Wix. Weebly's free plan is slightly less restrictive than Wix's in terms of branding; you're allowed to connect your own custom domain name.

Cons: Weebly has the most limited design options and features compared to Wix and WordPress. Its blogging tools are fairly basic, and there are fewer apps available to extend its functionality. most powerful & flexible

Pros: offers a robust blogging platform with a lot of flexibility. There are tons of free themes and plugins available to customize your blog's design and functionality. It's also scalable – you can easily upgrade to a paid plan later for more features and control, like installing your own custom themes and plugins. blogs are generally considered better for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) compared to Wix and Weebly.

Cons: The free plan on comes with limitations. You can't use your own custom domain name, and storage space is limited. You also can't install plugins or themes unless you upgrade to a paid plan. The interface can be slightly less intuitive for beginners compared to Wix and Weebly.

"I just want to write":, Medium, Substack

For content-focused writers who may not want or need a full website, but still want their articles out there — here are three awesome options. 

Below is a breakdown of, Medium, and Substack: distraction-free writing

Pros: is a minimalist platform designed to be free from distractions. It offers a clean interface with no ads or social media integration, allowing writers to focus solely on composing their content. also prioritizes privacy – your writing is saved locally by default, and you can choose to publish it publicly or privately.

Cons: is very basic. It lacks features like custom domains, image uploads, or built-in analytics. It's purely for writing and publishing text-based content, making it less suitable for bloggers who want more visual elements or audience engagement features.

Medium: built-in audience

Pros: Medium has a large existing audience, and your content can be seen by readers browsing the platform. They also have a program called "Medium Partner Program" where writers can earn money based on reader engagement.


  • On Medium, you don't own your audience directly. Readers are following Medium, not necessarily you. It can be challenging to build a dedicated following on the platform.
  • Medium's algorithm curates content, so your visibility depends on how well your content aligns with their priorities.
  • Monetization through the Medium Partner Program can be competitive.

Substack: subscription-based focus

Pros: Substack is designed for building a dedicated following and potentially earning income through subscriptions. You directly own your subscriber list and can build a strong connection with your audience. Substack offers basic design options and email newsletter integration, making it easy to keep subscribers engaged.

Cons: Substack is less focused on discovery – you'll need to drive your own traffic to your blog. There's no built-in audience on Substack like Medium. The free version limits some features, like email customization and analytics. Monetization through subscriptions requires building a loyal audience willing to pay.

"I'm a developer and need more customization"

While options like WordPress are a great choice for devs, there are specific solutions available for coding-focused bloggers.  Below I'll go over two third-party managed platforms, then some options for those who'd like to code their own solutions.

Both Hashnode and are great free blogging platforms for development bloggers, but they cater to slightly different needs. Here's a breakdown to help you choose:



  • Focus on Personal Branding: Connect your custom domain for a professional look and build SEO authority over time.
  • SEO Friendly: Platform structure is optimized for search engines to find and index your content. Clean & Developer-Friendly Interface: Focus on writing and showcasing code with well-formatted syntax highlighting.
  • Content Scheduling: Schedule your blog posts for optimal publishing times.


  • Smaller Community: Getting initial discovery and engagement might be slower compared to's larger user base.
  • Limited Analytics (Free Plan): Fewer built-in features for tracking content performance compared to


  • Thriving Developer Community: Connect with other developers, share knowledge, and potentially reach a wider audience interested in technical content.
  • Built-in Engagement Features: Reactions, comments, and threaded discussions encourage interaction with your content.
  • Robust Analytics (Free Plan): Track your content's performance with detailed metrics.
  • Focus on Developer Content: Tailored features like code snippets with syntax highlighting and embedded demos.


  • Limited Branding (Free Plan): It's more like a mix between a social media platform and a forum than a blog.  Your posts reside under the domain by default;; it's part of the community.
  • SEO Focus Might Be Weaker: While decent, SEO might not be as strong as platforms built specifically for it like Hashnode.


On the other hand, if you don't want a managed solution, you have even more choices.

If you want more control over your blog's design and structure, Vercel's blog templates are a good place to start.  If you like in particular, you can use their default blog starter template, or look into the free blog themes they offer.

If you're not partial to Vercel, here are some more places you can host your blog for free.

Next steps after you've started your blog

Congratulations, your blog is up and running!  (Time to party 🥳🍻)

Now, what next?

Get a domain name

Once you have chosen a platform, the next step is to choose a domain name for your blog. You can either use a free subdomain provided by the blogging platform, or you can purchase a custom domain name for a small fee.

If you choose a custom domain, I recommend using Porkbun, as the prices are great and DNS updates are resolved quickly.  Don't be fooled by the "$1/year" deals offered by some other popular domain registrars — they'll charge you a lot more the next year, and you'll end up spending more in the long run.

Learn SEO strategies to drive organic traffic to your blog

Most people start a blog to share knowledge with others.  Understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will help your posts rank higher in search results, driving organic traffic your way. By incorporating relevant keywords and optimizing your content for search engines, you can make it easier for potential readers to discover your website's pages and posts. There are many SEO strategies you can explore to boost your blog's visibility, so be sure to check out CareerFoundry's Best Free SEO Training Courses post for more information.


Are there any other free blogging platforms you enjoy using?  Let me know in the comments below!

Happy coding,
