
January 5, 2025

2024 Quarter 4 Recap

The end of the year is past! Below is a quick recap of things that happened during the last few months of 2024.

๐Ÿซ Education Update

A big update as always!


In October, I mentioned thinking about going back to school to finish my degree. When I discovered that Western Governors University's CS program got an update to include more CS-heavy and AI-focused courses, I finally took the plunge!

In December, I started the B.S. in Computer Science program. I had 34 credits transferred in, and need 117 to graduate. As of today (January 6, 2025), I have 83 credits done! I hope to finish my program by the end of March at latest, though I'm currently on track to be done sometime in February if I keep up the pace I'm going at.


I have officially been accepted into Hebrew University's STEMester program for Spring 2025! I'm so excited to get to study in Jerusalem in the upcoming months.

As of now, I am still looking for a lab to do research with, and I still need to register for one more class in order to meet the minimum unit requirement for the program (lab counts for six units).

The three classes I'm currently registered for:

  • Jerusalem's Architectural Heritage
  • The Degenerating Brain: From Research to Hope
  • The Politics of Algorithms

Personal Learning

Courses I finished:

I also watched the first two episodes of The History of Mossad on Curiosity Stream, as well as the first episode of something on Emergency Medicine from The Great Courses Plus.

Coming Up

I'm hoping to start Southern New Hampshire University's online B.A. in Mathematics in March. Due to my previous associate's degree and time as a pre-engineering major, I was able to transfer in a LOT of credits. I think I'm still required to take 30 from SNHU in order to graduate, but I should have more flexibility of choice with them.

After I finish my B.S. from WGU, I'm hoping to do more! I'm looking at several online master's degrees, including:

  • WGU's M.Ed. in Education Technology and Instructional Design
  • SHSU's M.A. in Mathematics
  • M.S. in Computer Science
  • M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Projects

I've been working hard on a new calendar/scheduling app for myself!

Bible Reading Tracker

A cool, cool project I put together recently! You can register for it here:

My sister Grace also wrote an awesome article on her blog on how to use the tracker.

The screenshot below is also courtesy of her:

bible reading tracker screenshot

๐Ÿงถ Crocheting

I made a monkey for my sister and a panda for my mom!

crochet monkey and pandacrochet pandacrochet monkey

๐Ÿ“ Quick Items

A couple other things I did last quarter:

  • Finished chapters 1-4 of my Ecclesiastes study
  • Worked on projects for freelance clients
  • Judged for the NBBC 2024 in Florida

Til next time! Adios,
